Astrophotography through May featured five trips. Mostly around the Moors but also one venture to the coast. My first trip featured Leather Tor and Nun’s Cross Farmhouse. This was a peaceful, calming warm summers night with crystal clear skies.
My initial plan was to shoot the rocky outcrop close to this tent, but after literally tripping over a couple who where ‘star gazing’ amongst the rocks and giving them a fright, I thought it wise to give them some space and shoot from Leather Tor instead. Not a bad alternative view looking over Burrator Reservoir.
Leather Tor, Sharpitor and Peek Hill.
Once all was settled with the campers, I wandered back down to the original viewpoint and stumbled across this wonderful view looking back towards Sharpitor.
I then wondered a few miles to my second locations, Nun’s Cross Farmhouse. A quirky and photographic building deep into the open Moor. By this time, the early hours of the morning were upon us. I worked quickly to get two compositions, but the challenge was the most favourable view of the Farmhouse didn’t match the most favourable composition of the sky. However, I was pleased with how these shots came out.
The Milkyway arching over Nun’s Cross Farmhouse.
The “classic” composition of this well photographed farmhouse.
I travelled to the south coast and Gribbon Head for my second shoot of May. This stretch of the coast has plenty of meaning and memories for me. With clear moonless skies forecasted my hopes were to capture a few compositions featuring the Milkyway above the dramatic coastline here.
On my way back to the car, the first light of Nautical twilight was fast approaching but I was eager to get a final composition. By this time of the night, Jupiter was low on the horizon and reflecting wonderfully over the ocean. This panorama was probably my favourite shot of the night.